Friday, February 25, 2011


In response to my email asking for advice and clarification on my seemingly strange physical reaction to the third chakra being activated (the soreness continued on into today, sporadically), my acting teacher, Michele Shay, wrote me back, and also forwarded on my message to the author of the Energy System of Acting textbook that we are using now, Laura Fine. I'll share both of their responses, in the order I received them. This work is daunting.

Thanks so much for e-mailing me. It does sound like things are waking up especially if its the psoaz muscle that is part of that diaphram. The body wants to take in more breath and open. So I would say- if there is a time you can be quiet- lie down on your back and allow the breath to go to where the pain is. Ask the pain what it is iy wants you to know or to pay attention to? wait for an answer,listen-avoid rushing. Give your self the luxary of gentleness. You can also send a beam of yellow light into the pain as well as an intnetion of unconditional self-love. Some very young part of you may show up. Allow what ever wants to express itself to express- especially tears-stuck tears.

Read also in The Exceptional Actor about the 3rd chakra and the heart or 4th chakra. Note the exercises she give and then return to Chapter 5 in Part One around p 44 The process of reclaiming life force. Do that exercise and see what happens. For your Heart, do the 3 step Heart Meditation technique on 55 and also drop your grounding chord and fill yourself with the white light before you go to class during the day and see if that helps the sense of safety. I am ccing Laura in case she has anything to add. The body when it is ready to let go of old patterns starts to pop like popcorn. Its just energy- it can't hurt you- only free you to be more of who you already are.
From Laura Fine:

Sounds like you are making wonderful progress. Michele provided great words of wisdom. I would echo her suggestion to proceed slowly and with gentleness. Most important, do not worry...the process of your chakras opening is really a very natural one. As the energy plates you notice around your Solar Plexus and Heart chakra relax and flow, simply remember that all is emotion is simply energy in movement. As your emotional energy moves, whatever it looks like, tears, sensation, laughter ...whatever...old beliefs may surface to resist the new flow of movement. Simply keep reminding yourself, that was past, in present time its safe to feel these feelings.

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