Friday, September 16, 2011

On The State of Art Today

"Where the Grecian artist found his only reward in the masterpiece, in its success, and the public aprobation: we have the modern artist, boarded, lodged and - paid. And thus we reach the central distinction between the two: with the Greeks their public art was very Art, with us it is artistic - Handicraft."

- Richard Wagner, Art and Revolution

The theatre is so commercialized. To perform on a big stage in New York you have to have a celebrity, or multiple smaller celebrities, or no one will risk your production. If it's a challenging, polarizing work, you'll be lucky to get it staged anywhere but a downtown studio, unless you have the money. Art for the appreciation of art has been relegated to a stereotype. Very rarely do you find something that is art and squeezes its way through the bars society has placed around the 'public art,' but when you do find it, hold on with everything you've got. Art is not easy. Art requires effort, on the part of the creator and the viewer.

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