Thursday, July 28, 2011

Captain America

I'm signing the lease on my new apartment tomorrow at 2pm. I can't figure out if I'm terrified or giddy.

The show and gala went very well last night - both of my shows, Rewind and Note to Self: Enunciate, are getting very positive feedback. That's all I can ask for, really. Recognition and positive feedback. And everyone devoured my brownies.

A new friend of mine (in another show in the festival) wants to help me get my ducks in a row so I can start hunting for an agent, since he was extremely disappointed to find out I wasn't signed yet. Apparently wearing my fire engine red pencil skirt is a good way to get noticed. ;)

Seeing Captain America with my co-star tonight after the show - he's the sock one. Also a geek. Why aren't we soulmates. Seriously.

I'm gonna have my very first apartment soon. I'm like, a bit overwhelmed, but so freaking excited. NO MORE DORMS. FINALLY. And, the best part? I HAVE A FIRE ESCAPE!!!

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