Wednesday, March 9, 2011

T minus 48 hours, and counting...

I love productive afternoons. I spent mine reading and reading and reading and reading some more, but at least Bathsheba Doran's plays were entertaining and a good read, so it wasn't tedious in the least. I think I'll either muster up the willpower to read some more for my Latin American Theatre class (though I've had quite enough of bland metaphors for one day, thankyouverymuch) or start doing text work and character arcs for my next acting project, Hedda Gabler.

Also going to bed very early tonight. 8:30 starts the madness tomorrow.

And I still haven't written about Ken and Treasure Island yet, I'm awful at keeping up. Yesterday could use a bit of scribbling about as well, considering it threw me for a few interesting loops I could have done without. But time waits for no one, and it's almost Thursday already.

I've figured out which three possible trains I'll be taking on Friday afternoon so that I can see my darling Jen and my dear Meg, who has been gone for 8 MONTHS on wild adventures Down Undah and I have missed her very much.

Working my less-than-shapely ass off, these days. Hopefully the madness will slow down in the coming week, so I can catch my breath.

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